Inside Out


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Inside Out Jail Ministries focuses on the rehabilitation and successful re-entry of men and women inside the Orange County Jail. Currently, the Orange County Jail holds roughly 2,300 men and women who are dealing with a past in criminal mischief and looking to transition smoothly into the Orlando Community. These men and women are provided the opportunity to partner with ISO through educational, spiritual as well as program assistance inside of the jail. ISO provides classes to inmates with the tools to make positive decisions, create SMART goals and developing a release plan (24-72 hour plans) upon release from jail.


In this 6-class series, participants learn evidence-based techniques to overcome obstacles related to transitioning back into the community. This includes learning how to make better decisions both inside and outside of jail, make SMART goals, learn how to resist internal and exterior temptations, consider substance programs or transitional programs to assists in possible addictions, how/why to submit to authorities, how to rebuild trust in relationships, address forgiveness/unforgiveness issues and why they are critical to their recovery, prepare for employment, prepare a 24-72 hour plan to follow for their release, receive available community resources, and can request spiritual mentors/pen pals if they desire additional spiritual guidance. (Offered in English and Spanish).

These 3-4 class sessions dig deeper and more intense on areas discussed in ISO 1 such as Employment; Addiction; Goal Setting.

Family Integrity Training (FIT)
ISO has partnered with FIT offering their classes that develop their life skills through faith-driven concepts. This 8-10 class series offers Anger Dynamics, Personal Integrity, Decision Making, Coping with the Losses of Life, Change of Heart, Financial Success from Scratch. (100 Hour)

These class series offer an abbreviated ISO 1 and a topic of FIT.


Our mission continues to impact the lives of men and women once released from jail to begin their transition back to their respective communities. Our outside transition team helps those preapproved going to substance treatment programs or human trafficking programs safely arrive to their destination. This includes transportation, interim housing as needed, clothing, toiletries, and misc. basic needs.

Family Groups

Often, family members with incarcerated loved ones face incredible challenges. Inside Out Jail Ministries, Inc. offers a ‘Family Support Group’ that helps guide members through these difficult challenges.

Topics discussed:

  • How ‘not’ to enable your loved one only to be hurt again
    How to set boundaries and get control back in your life
  • How to recognize manipulation and stop feeling like you’re going crazy
  • When and how to rebuild trust with your loved one again

Sessions offered Thursdays at 7:30pm EST via Zoom beginning January 2, 2025.

For more information, please email us at